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Extending Theme

Layout Slots

The theme's <Layout/> component has a few slots that can be used to inject content at certain locations of the page. Here's an example of injecting a component to replace the nav bar icon:

// .vitepress/theme/index.js
import { h } from 'vue'
import { VPCarbon } from 'vitepress-carbon'
import Icon from './components/Icon.vue'

export default {
  Layout:  () => {
    return h(VPCarbon.Layout, null, {
      'navbar-icon': () => h(Icon)
      // slots for theme layout

Registering Global Components

When registering your own components,you need to remount the entry function of the theme.

// .vitepress/theme/index.js
import { VPCarbon } from 'vitepress-carbon'
import Icon from './components/Icon.vue'

export default {
  enhanceApp(ctx) {
    // register global components
    const { app } = ctx
    app.component('Icon', Icon)
    // ...